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Plattsburg Schools

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Plattsburg High School, Senior Class of 1933:

Back Row: Hubert Vanderau, Truman Holman, Randolph Clark, Harold Holmes, Noel Zimmerman, Vernon Zimmerman, Edwin Griffith, David Atchison, Bill Kirk, Ralph Newby, Faris Wood Quinn, H. C. Vanderau
3rd Row: Roy Parks, Martha Mae Holmes, Mary Ellen Dedman, Luther Carter, Ralph Morrow, Joe Matt Gamble, Kirk Breckenridge, Robert Quinn, Ferrel Tucker, Jessie Gengelbach, Lucille Devoir.
2nd Row: Mary Sullivan, Lela Smith, Faye Anderson, Julia Carey, Helen Hayward, Mrs. Gilbert Cuthbertson, Helen Holman, Helen Carter, Cora Dean Taylor, Hazel Lewis, Opal Mayse.
Front Row: Floy Berton, Nellie Kinney, Clair Todd, Ray Henry, Gerald Doak, Francis Stevenson, Estella Marie King, Louisa Frost, Mary Frances O'Connor, Mary Julia Broderick, Mary Margaret Young, Wanda Hoover, Marie Mayse.

P H S, Class of 1933

click image for large version

Plattsburg High School, Junior Class of 1933:

phs-33j.jpg (70827 bytes)

Back row: Marvin Steinmetz, Willie Breshears, Robert Hixson, Joseph Parks, Lloyd Miller, Adrian Burke.
Front row: Maxola Todd, Rebecca Stevenson, Esther Shirk, Robert Anseaume, Flora Culver (teacher), Alvin Hanks, Mildred Hughes, Frances Fry.

Plattsburg High School, Sophomore Class of 1933:

PHS Sophomore Class of 1933

Back row: Alvin Belk, Allen Scearce, Jr., Elton Oldham, Carol Rice, Lowell Carter, Milton Zimmerman, E. C. Harris, Howard Milliken, John R. Carter, Berkley Dunn, Willis J. Winn.
3rd row: Virginia Jones, Emogene Parks, Betty Riley, Helen Jean Swearingen, Ernest Vanderau, Thelma Robertson (teacher), Lois Gengelbach, Marian Hayward, Anne Mallen, Mary Jeanette Shepherd.
2nd row: Delores Biggerstaff, Lucille Goosey, Gwynetha Jones, Rose Downey, Christine King, Eleanor Shannon, Laura Mae Taylor, Joyce Clark, Mary Edna Holman, Louise Walters.
Front row: Anna Mae White, Dorothy Broderick, Helen Wilson, Vivian Trout, Ulla Lee Belk, Ira Milton Hoover, Lawrence Milliken, Walter Anseaume, John Bill Breckenridge.

Plattsburg High School, Freshmen 1933:

Plattsburg freshman class of 1933

Back row: 1. R. W. Dodson, 2. William Atchison, 3. Charles M. Funkhouser, 4. Thelma Kent, 5. Cecil Kent, 6. Lester Spencer, 7. Robert Laugeson, 8. Leon Vanderpool.
2nd row: 1. Donald Funkhouser, 2. Bessie Lynne Davis, 3. Ruby Jones, 4. Norma Green, 5. Carlyle Aitken, 6. Elsie Norton, 7. Alice Aitken, 8. Virginia Conway, 9. Alma Meek, 10. Dorothy J. McCamis
Front row: 1. Jones Baber, 2. Lucille LeClere, 3. Mary M. Bentley, 4. Delores Bolin, 5. Marjorie Sawyer (teacher), 6. Violet Greaves, 7. Carolyn O'Connor, 8. Margaret Pasley, 9. Charles Todd, Jr.

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Updated: 30 Sep 2003
yearbook images scanned by Helen Russell
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